Friday, September 26, 2008

Quote of the Day by McKenna

Just a little back info before I tell you the quote of the of Terry's hoobies is Xbox 360 but really he only plays 3 games - Halo 3, Burnout, & Guitar Hero. McKenna love to watch him play the games and she even plays sometimes. On Guitar Hero it has a lot of good songs and Terry downloaded some to his iTunes and out them on CD we were listening to it in the car with McKenna and here is the conversation:

Song on the CD: When You Were Young by The Killers

McKenna: How did that get there

Terry & I: What get where?

McKenna: That song...It's from your Guitar Hero Daddy!

Ok maybe to some people it's not very funny but to Terry & I we thought it was HILARIOUS! Because the song had only been playing for like 5-10 seconds (seriously!) and she reconized it! She really has a great ear for music! I really hope she does something with music when she grows up! Till then we are going to play "Name That Tune" and watch McKenna kick our butts!

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