Thursday, October 9, 2008

You are My Sunshine #3

When we got home we had a Home Health Care nurse come in she would check McKenna's vitals and most importantly weigh her and guess what?...She continued to gain weight! And grow strong!!! The doctors and nurses were all amazed how well McKenna was doing at home! She did so good that on March 6 Dr. Lawrence took the central line out! They said that she was going to have to have that thing in at least till she is 3 years old! She got it out only months after she had it put in! That right there is the POWER OF PRAYER! Over the years we continued to follow up with IA City and they were always amazed at how well McKenna was doing the doctors couldn't explain it but Terry & I could...and it is simply this McKenna has the finger prints of God all over her! He held her in she went through all her surgeries and all the sleepless nights in PICU. God was there when Terry & I had no other choice but to trust in Him. God was there when Doctors said no way HE said I AM THE ONE AND ONLY WAY! We fully believe that McKenna is a gift from God and she blesses anyone who she come in contact with. This August We went to IA City for a check up sadly to find Dr. Lawrence had moved to another hospital on the West Coast, But we did get to see Dr. Warren Bishop McKenna's gastrointestinal Dr. who has been with us since day one also. And he said "I hate to say this because McKenna is so cute but we don't need to see her anymore!" They released her from ICHC! Dr. Bishop said "Just treat her like any other normal child" We have come full circle...and thank goodness God was with us every step of the way!

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